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Wednesday 13 April 2011

Enterobius vermicularis

Phylum: Nemathelminthes
Class: Nematoda
Order: Ascaroidea
Family: Ozyuridae
Genus: Enterobius  
Species: Enterobius vermicularis

Ascaris lumbricoides
Geographical Distribution
  • This is one of few parasites which is more prevalent in the temperate regions of the world than the tropic.
  • Children are more often involved.
  • Groups living together like families, hostels, army camps etc.
  • Size of adults;
    • Male : 5 mm long and 0.1 - 0.2 mm in diameter.
    • Female : 13 mm long and 0.3 - 0.5 mm in diameter.
  • Anterior end has 3 small lips without dentitions.
  • The esophagus has a globular swelling at the posterior end.
  • Gravid female has 2 distended uteri which almost fill the whole body.
  • Male has curved tail and a spicule.
  • The cuticle has a distinct cervical alae.
  • The eggs appear flattened on one side.
  • Egg has thick transparent shell. Unembrionated when passed out but become infective within a few hours.
Enterobius vermucularis egg

Enterobius vermucularis adults

Life Cycle

  • The adults are mainly located in the caecal region.
  • Female deposit eggs on the anus and perianal skin.
  • Infection occurs by inhaling and swallowing the eggs.
  • Autoinfection occurs by contamination of the fingers.
  • There is no visceral migration.
  • Larva matures into the adult in the lumen of the intestinal tract.
  • Life cycle is completed in 6 weeks.

Life cycle

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